Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 62 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9 January 2023 were approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A Beaney and A Al-Yousuf. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: Declarations of Interest were received as follows:
Councillor H Ashton was opposed to the application 22/03179/OUT Land East of Barns Lane, Burford, so agreed to leave the Council Chamber whilst the application was heard. |
Applications for Development PDF 564 KB Purpose: To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.
Recommendation: That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair agreed to hear the application 22/03179/OUT Land East of Barnes Lane, Burford first due to there being a large public interest and public in attendance.
Councillor H Ashton left the Council Chamber at 2.05pm
22/03179/OUT Land East of Barnes Lane, Burford.
Abby Fettes, Development Manager, presented the application for an outlined planning application (with all matters reserved) for the erection of up to 70 residential units (which included affordable housing) with associated parking, vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads, public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure.
Councillor John White, representing Burford Town Council spoke in opposition to the application. A copy of his speech is attached to the original copy of the minutes.
The Development Manager continued with the presentation of the application with attention to the following points;
· The application failed to address previous concerns raised by both the Council and Planning Inspector in the previous application · Major development in the Cotswolds AONB would result in harm to the character of the area due to loss of open space, with reference to NFFP policies. · As per guidance in NPPF there has been a lack of evidence presented with regards to the biodiversity net gain · Exceptional circumstances for the application had not been demonstrated. · Harm to heritage assets
The Development Manager concluded that planners advised refusal as per the recommendation in the original report.
The Chair invited questions and discussion from the Committee which raised the following points:
· Protection of 250 listed buildings in the town, with reference to the grade one listed church; · Protection of the Cotswolds AONB and open spaces, a suggestion that the area could be designated for a village green to protect it from future development; · Houses on the site potentially becoming holiday lets when there are already holiday lets in the town; · Flooding in Witney Street; · Affordable housing was offered on a newly built development opposite Burford Garden Centre; · Oversubscribed schools, NHS provision and increased traffic in the town · No local support for the application; · Councillors were in agreement with the officer’s proposal of refusal.
The Development Manager confirmed that the case officer had covered points clearly in the reasons for refusal. She went onto clarify that flooding concerns would be dealt with in conditions and there had been no objections from Thames Water. The reasons for refusal had been based on the Planning Inspectors comments and the previous application. The NPPF is cited in all reasons for refusal and if the application went to appeal the Planning Inspector would impose conditions.
Councillor J Haine proposed refusal the application as per the officer’s recommendations in the original report. Councillor D Jackson seconded this proposal, was put to the vote and carried. The vote was unanimous.
Committee Resolved to: 1. Refuse the application as per the officer’s recommendation in the original report.
Councillor Ashton returned to the Council Chamber at 2.25pm.
The Chair clarified that the last application to be heard would be 22/03129/FUL The Chapel, 6a Shipton Road, Ascott under Wychwood ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
Applications Determined under Delegated Powers and Appeal Decisions PDF 127 KB Purpose: To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers and any appeal decisions. Recommendation: That the reports be noted. Additional documents: Minutes: The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was received and noted with the following comments:
Page 83, item 10, 22/02610/FUL Priory Barn, Oxford Road, Southcombe. Councillors asked for the case to go to the enforcement team as the applicant was living in the barn without planning permission and had this case gone to the enforcement officer. Abby Fettes, Development Manager confirmed that the enforcement team were looking into the case.
Page 87, Item 31, 22/03038/S73 Landsdowne Bruern Road, Milton under Wychwood. The Councillors queried whether this was against planning policy. The Development Manager confirmed that there have been further applications regarding this case and this application was approved on appeal.
Page 89, Item 42, 22/03132/FUL Fernhill Farmhouse, Shipton Road, Ascott under Wychwood. The Councillors wanted to know if this application had planning permission. The Development Manager confirmed that she would check the case with the enforcement team.
The Appeals were summarised by the Development Manager and noted by the committee. |