Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 48 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Aitman, Good and Bolger. Councillor Dent substituted for Councillor Crossland and Councillor Johnson substituted for Councillor Woodruff.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: Declarations of Interest were received as follows, Councillor Johnson was speaking as Ward Councillor on application number 21/02628/FUL, 1 St Marys Court, Witney. Councillor Leverton stated that he knew the applicant for 21/02593/FUL Windyridge Crawley Road, Witney but has no pecuniary interest in the application. He would remain in the room for the discussion.
Applications for Development PDF 623 KB Purpose: To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule. Recommendation: That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee received the report of the Business Manager – Development Management, giving details of an application for development, copies of which had been circulated. RESOLVED: That the decisions on the following applications be as indicated, the reasons for refusal to be as recommended in the report of the Business Manager – Development Management, subject to any amendments as detailed below:-
21/01565/FUL 35 Taphouse Avenue, Witney The Chairman proposed that due to the uncertain nature of the recommendation the application be deferred to allow a site visit to take place. This was seconded by Councillor Haine who stated that he also thought a site visit necessary. The proposal for a site visit immediately before the next meeting of the sub-committee was then put to the vote and was carried.
21/02364/FUL Land (E) 432925 (N)209696 Downs Road, Curbridge, Witney The Planning Officer, Abby Fettes, introduced the application for the erection of 4 employment units (Class E (g iii), B2 and B8) with drainage, car parking and landscaping. A public submission was received from David Edward-Hughes in objection to the application. He advised the committee that the initial planning conditions around restrictions on noise and light disturbance had not been met. He added that the boundary between the industrial and residential land had not been adequately protected. Following a question from Councillor Leverton, Mr Edward-Hughes confirmed that there were no windows in the side of the building that is fourteen metres from his house. A public submission was also received from James Hicks representing the applicant. He informed the Committee that the tallest building on the site was twelve metres, whilst the permission allowed up to fifteen metre high units. He added that his client was committed to providing high quality employment opportunities. Following a question from Councillor Fenton about HGV deliveries 24 hours a day, Mr Hicks agreed that this was possible but he could not be certain at this stage as not all the units had been let. However it was common practice for deliveries to be carried out during the night. He also confirmed that the external lighting will be focussed downward to reduce light pollution. The Planning Officer then presented her report containing a recommendation of provisional approval. She reminded the Committee of the various classifications of industrial buildings. She then advised that there was to be a five metre buffer between the employment and housing areas and noted that there is a current demand for larger industrial units as proposed in the application. Officers requested delegated authority for the final matters to be agreed. Councillor Eaglestone proposed that the application be deferred to allow a site visit to take place because of the contentious nature of the application. This was seconded by Councillor St John who suggested an after dark visit to assess the impact of the lighting. It was agreed that this would be useful but not easy as an official site visit so members were encouraged to make private visits during darkness ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
Progress on Enforcement Cases PDF 105 KB Purpose To inform the Sub-Committee of the current situation and progress in respect of enforcement investigations. Recommendation That the progress and nature of the outstanding enforcement investigations be noted. Minutes: The Sub-Committee received the report of the Business Manager – Development Management, giving details of the progress on enforcement cases, copies of which had been circulated. The Planning Officer, Kelly Murray, introduced the report and provided the following updates. 27 Cherry Tree Way – the case had been ongoing for a long time. The Planning Department had successfully got an injunction to remove the rubbish in the garden. Reynolds Farm, Cassington - Councillor Rylett requested an update. The officer advised that there is not a timescale issue as an enforcement notice being served stops the clock. A prosecution case is in progress and a timeline to comply by had been agreed. Mount Pleasant Farm - the appeal against the enforcement notices had been dismissed. The Paddocks, The Weald, Bampton – the officer noted that this was a large case with multi-agency input and such cases do take time to resolve. All relevant planning applications take this enforcement case into account. Councillor St John expressed his concern about the amount of time the case is taking. Councillor Fenton, as one of the Ward Members present concurred and advised that there is local concern over this issue. Land to the north of Mead View, Cassington Road, Eynsham – Councillor Rylett asked for an update. The officer advised that an application for a certificate of lawfulness was expected, because if the issue had been ongoing for over ten years it may have become lawful. However if an application is not received enforcement action may go ahead. Councillor Langridge stated that he was pleased to see the progress being made. The Committee expressed their congratulations to officers and all of the Enforcement Team. |
Applications Determined under Delegated Powers PDF 146 KB Purpose: To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers and any appeal decisions. Recommendation: That the reports be noted.
Minutes: The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was received and noted. Councillor Haine noted that item 15 should have been on the Uplands Planning Sub-Committee papers. |