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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Phil Godfrey, Lysette Nicholls and Colin Dingwall.


Councillor Martin McBride substituted for Councillor Lysette Nicholls.


Councillor Michele Mead substituted for Councillor Colin Dingwall.




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting.





There were no declarations of interest received.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 4March 2024.


The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 4 March 2024 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to


Page 5; Councillor Dan Levy asked for the word Chair to be changed to spokesperson as Jenny MacDonald was not the Chair of Standlake Parish Council.


Councillor Adrian Walsh proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 March 2024 be agreed by the Sub-Committee as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chair.


This was seconded by Councillor Andy Goodwin was put to the vote and was agreed by the Sub-Committee. The vote was unanimous.

The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

1.    Agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 4 March 2024 as a true and accurate record.



Applications for Development pdf icon PDF 265 KB


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.



Application No.


Planning Officer



Laurel Cottage, Foxburrow Lane, Crawley.

Clare Anscombe



Plot 4, Viscount Industrial Estate, Brize Norton.

Joan Desmond



Olde Well Cottage, 109 Station, Brize Norton.

Elloise Street



Olde Well Cottage, 109 Station, Brize Norton.

Elloise Street



Additional documents:


The Chair advised the Sub-Committee that the applications would be heard in a revised order starting with Viscount Industrial Estate, Brize Norton, the two applications for Olde Well Cottage, 109 Station Road, Brize Norton would be heard together then the final application Laurel Cottage, Foxburrow Lane, Crawley. 



23/03111/FUL Plot 4, Viscount Industrial Estate, Brize Norton.


Joan Desmond, Principal Planner introduced the application for the erection of four industrial units and associated works.


The Principal Planner drew the Sub-Committees attention to the Additional Representation Report and raised the following points:


Councillor Les Goble addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of Brize Norton Parish Council.


Jayne Woodward addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of Brize Norton School, Pre-School, Elderbank Hall and the Humble Bumble café.


The Principal Planner drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points:

  • The planning history of the site, including applications in 2010, 2013 and 2020.
  • The building had been relocated to protect the existing landscape buffer.
  • The development site was within flood zone 1. A flood risk and drainage strategy had been submitted and flood risk was low on the site.
  • There were objections from Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) Transport which raised concern over the number of parking spaces on the site and insufficient information had been submitted relating to the frequency / trip generation and size of vehicles for servicing / operational / delivery needs of the proposed industrial use and no swept path analysis has been undertaken of the largest anticipated vehicles at the site access with Station Road to demonstrate safe two-way operation. In addition, the proposal fails to demonstrate that safe visibility splays can be accommodated. The Council’s Ecology consultant had objected to the application due to not complying with the requirements of the Local Plan policy with EH3, NPPF paragraphs 174,179 and 180. There had been insufficient information provided regarding biodiversity net gain. There were concerns over protection of conservation including the Great Crested newts’ species.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:

  • The site was a successful area of business however there were concerns about the safety of the access to and from the site, with particular focus on the students at the school and other members of the public who use the road.
  • The Committee discussed the volume of vehicles that use Station Road currently and if the vehicles could only travel on A4095 approaching the village from Bampton. There were concerns raised that this would create more traffic congestion which would have a knock-on effect in Bampton and surrounding villages.
  • Concerns were raised over the parking on site as the proposed provision failed to comply with OCC Transport. 



Councillor Michele Mead proposed that the application be refused in line with the Officer’s recommendations.


This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Lyon, was put to the vote.  There were 11 votes for the proposal and 1 against.  The vote was carried.


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:


  1. Refuse the application in line with the Officer’s recommendations.



24/00175/HHD and 24/00285/LBC Olde Well Cottage, 109 Station Lane, Brize Norton


Elloise Street, Planning Officer, introduced the applications for 24/00175/HHD; the erection of a single storey extension with attached garage and wood store, and 24/00285/LBC for internal and external alterations to include erection of a single storey extension 


Fiona Gove, applicant, addressed the Sub-Committee and clarified the following points regarding the measurements of the proposed extension. The use of the proposed extension which would enable less mobile members of the family to remain and live on one level as well as allow younger family to remain together in a multi-generational house. The house currently had 4/5 bedrooms. There were no issues with drainage and the property was not in a conservation area. The main concerns were having the additional bedrooms and the garage and store element could be removed from the proposal.


The Planning Officer drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;


  • The measurements of the proposed development and the planning history of the property.
  • The harm and impact the development could have on the grade 11 listed building.  The design would detract from the original character of the property and would have a negative appearance on the street scene.
  • The property was in Flood Zone 2 and had a river running along the site.
  • The proposal would result in less than substantial harm to the heritage asset, which would fail to be outweighed by the public benefit.
  • The proposed development was in contrary to policies OS2, OS4, H6, EH9 and EH11 of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031, and advice in the NPPF. The Planning Officer recommended refusal of the application.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:


  • The Sub-Committee acknowledged the measurements of the proposed extension and asked if the size was reduced would it be a more suitable proposal. The Planning Officer confirmed that the proposed application before the Sub-Committee was not suitable for changes due to the new negotiation schedule.
  • The Sub-Committee considered the conservation area and the visual impact of the proposed extension to the property. How this would block other properties that were not of the same age and era. It was also considered whether the existing outbuilding could be removed via condition.
  • The Sub-Committee asked about the size of the proposed extension and considered a site visit to get a better understanding of the current house size.


Councillor Dan Levy proposed that the application be deferred for a site visit on Monday 22 April at 12pm.


This was seconded by Councillor Harry St. John, was put to the vote, was unanimous. The Vote was carried.


The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

Defer the applications for a site visit on Monday 22 April 2024 at 12pm.


23/02825/FUL Laurel Cottage, Foxburrow Lane, Crawley.


Clare Anscombe, Senior Planner, introduced the application for the existing pair of flat roofed dormers to be replaced with a single dormer and a proposed additional dormer.


The Senior Planner drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the following points;


  • The existing dormer windows were to be replaced on the north elevation.. The materials used would be in keeping with the house design and would include rendering and timber.


  • The proposed dormers would be of the same height to match the existing dormers on the southern elevation.


  • The application would not affect the surrounding environment and complied with policy H6.


  • There was a condition proposed for the glazing of the new dormer windows to be obscured. The existing dormers on the southern elevation are not obscure glazed so it is considered that light spill into the first floor would be acceptable.


The Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following points:


  • The Sub-Committee asked for clarification on the internal plans of the 1st floor, whether this was one open space or various rooms. The Senior Planner referred the Sub-Committee to her presentation and slides of the application which showed that the first floor is open and not separate rooms.


  • The Sub-Committee asked for clarification as to why there was a condition to obscure the glazing on the north windows when there was not for the existing ones.  The Senior Planner explained that the existing dormers on the north elevation did not benefit from planning permission and so that was why the windows had not been conditioned to be glazed.


  • The Sub-Committee asked that if the application was to be determined under delegated powers, what would the recommendation have been. The Senior Planner explained that the recommendation would have been to approve the application, subject to conditions.


Councillor Dan Levy proposed that the application be approved in line with the Officers recommendations.  


This was seconded by Councillor Michele Mead, was put to the vote and was agreed unanimously by the Sub-Committee.



The Sub-Committee Resolved to:

  1. Approve the application in line with the Officer’s recommendation.


Applications Determined under Delegated Powers. pdf icon PDF 140 KB


To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers and any appeal decisions.


That the report be noted.



The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was received and noted.



Appeal Decisions pdf icon PDF 232 KB


To inform the Sub-Committee of appeal decisions.


That the report be noted.


The report giving details of appeal decisions was received and noted.