No. |
Item |
69. |
Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Alistair
Wray and Colin Dingwall.
Councillor Alaric Smith substituted for Councillor Alistair
Councillor Michele Mead substituted for Councillor Colin
70. |
Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations
from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the
There were no declarations of interest received.
71. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 84 KB
To approve the minutes of the
meeting held on 5 February 2024.
minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2024 were approved and
signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Councillor Adrian Walsh proposed that the minutes of the
previous meeting held on 5 February 2024 be agreed by the
Sub-Committee as a true and accurate record and be signed by the
This was seconded
by Councillor Andrew Prosser was put to the vote and was agreed by
the Sub-Committee. There were 13 votes in favour and 1 abstention.
The vote was carried.
Sub-Committee Resolved to:
Agree the minutes
of the previous meeting held on Monday 5 February 2024 as a true
and accurate record.
72. |
Applications for Development PDF 420 KB
To consider applications for development, details of
which are set out in the attached schedule.
the applications be determined in accordance with the
recommendations of the Business Manager – Development
Application No.
Planning Officer
Land Adjoining Dunlaoghaire,
Primrose Lane, Weald
Elloise Street
Land Known as the Ashbed,
Ladburn Lane, Shilton
Clare Anscombe
Land South West of Chapel Lane,
Esther Hill
Additional documents:
73. |
23/02849/FUL Land South of West Chapel Lane, Standlake.
Esther Hill, Planning Officer, introduced the application for
the erection of a dwelling with double garage, adapted vehicular
entrance point and related landscaping.
Jenny McDonald, spokesperson for Standlake Parish Council addressed the
Sub-Committee in objection to the application.
Paula Gaffney and John Spencer addressed the Sub-Committee and
spoke in objection to the application. The speakers provided
clarification on the frequency of surrounding houses having to deal
with flooding and drainage problems.
Neil Perry, Agent for the applicant addressed the Sub-Committee
in support of the application and
stated the borehole within the neighbouring property was 130mm
lower at the boundary than the borehole within the application
Planning Officer drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the
following points;
- The application had been deferred at the January Lowlands Planning Sub-Committee for a site visit,
for additional comments to be provided
by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC)
Highways, the WODC Drainage
Officer and for public
- Safety concerns had been raised by both Members of the
Sub-Committee and members of the public, regarding the access to
Chapel Lane for both car users and pedestrians. After observing the
use of the lane by car users, pedestrians and cycle users, OCC
Highways had found the access substandard.
The loss of agricultural land, the single dwelling
proposed, and the implementation of a Wild-Flower Meadow would not
result in increased use of the lane access and therefore no
objection had been raised by OCC Highways and it would therefore be
unreasonable to request improvements to access as part of this
- The site fell under Flood Zone 1, however a significant number
of objectors had highlighted that Standlake experiences ground water
- Two additional ground water monitoring reports had been
submitted by the applicant with measurements and photos. Third
party representatives had dug 3 boreholes surrounding the
application site and used ground water monitoring equipment to take
measurements which had been included in the objections.
The Planning Officer and WODC Drainage Officer had
conducted a site inspection on 19th February.
The Planning Officers found
inconsistencies in the levels of ground water data supplied by the
applicant. Officers had taken a reading from
the trial pit within the application site which fell below the
minimum required for water treatment. The measurement taken from
the borehole within the site was above the minimum required but
officers had concerns over
how the levels were being measured. Since the
officer site visit the applicant had advised that the OS Datum
Readings for the site had been reviewed and this put the top of
pipe 30mm higher than they had estimated. In turn, this raised the
highest recorded ground water level by 30mm. To achieve the 300mm
clearance needed the applicant had suggested increasing the
dwelling and patio by 50mm. The Drainage Officer objected as the
readings had not included the
dates when high levels of rainfall had been experienced
and were therefore concerned with the 50mm increase
- The Planning Officers were concerned that it had not been
demonstrated ...
view the full minutes text for item 73.
74. |
23/02297/FUL Land Adjoining Dunlaoghaire, Primrose Lane, Weald
Elloise Street, Planning Officer, introduced the application for
a proposed new dwelling to replace redundant stables and store, to
create a holiday let (amended plans).
John Duff addressed the Sub-Committee and spoke in objection to
the application.
Democratic Services Officer read out a statement from the
applicants Sam and Adrian Smart.
Planning Officer drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the
following points;
- The application had come before the Sub-Committee due to Bampton
Parish Council objecting to the scheme and due to the site visit.
- The
application was being considered under the West Oxfordshire Local
Plan policy, E4 Sustainable tourism. The current stables on the
site had been considered not worthy of retention
- The proposed development was of a high-quality design and the
footprint did not exceed the current
concrete site footprint. The Planning Officer confirmed that there
had been a structure on the site when reviewing the map from 1899
and it could be inferred that there was a dwelling house with a
- The proposed accommodation would be on a site where residential
development would not normally be permitted therefore a condition
had been included to ensure holiday tenancies were not to exceed 8
weeks, with a relevant noise condition too.
The Planning Officer clarified that even though the
applicants flood risk assessment considered the site to fall under
Flood Zone 1, the Environmental Agency mapping data stated the site
was within Flood Zone 2 (FZ2) and as a result was to be considered
in FZ2. A condition had been included to cover provision for
surface water drainage and to ensure flooding would not be
exacerbated in the locality.
- The Conservation Officer did not submit any objections and it
was felt that the holiday let would have a positive influence on
the surrounding area.
- There were no additional representations submitted. The Planning
Officer recommended approval of the application.
Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application,
which raised the following points:
- Councillor Alaric Smith declared an interest due to receiving
representations from both sides.
- The Sub-Committee asked for clarification regarding the matter
of residential properties not being permitted however a holiday let
would be acceptable. The Planning Officer explained that the
application was being considered under West Oxfordshire Local Plan
policy E4 and not under a new dwellings policy H2. Therefore,
conditions had been applied to the report to prevent permanent
residential use.
- The Sub-Committee asked how the condition of holiday tenancies
beyond 8 weeks would be monitored. Would the applicants send
information automatically on length of stays by holiday tenants?
The Planning Officer confirmed that 8 weeks was the standard period
of time for a holiday let. The holiday let condition would cover
the use of the property, if there was a report of a permanent
resident the Enforcement Officer would ask for a record of those
who had stayed at the property.
- The Sub-Committee asked that a condition be included for
Permitted Development Rights to prevent the property being extended
as the site is ...
view the full minutes text for item 74.
75. |
23/02404/FUL Land Known as the Ashbed, Ladburn Lane, Shilton
Clare Anscombe, Senior Planning
Officer, introduced the application for the erection of 3 detached
dwellings and cart-lodge style garages, the formation of a vehicle
access, and associated works (amended plans).
Sarah Colson, the applicant addressed the Sub-Committee and
clarified the following points regarding the need for chimneys when
the application stated air sourced heat pumps were to be installed.
The chimneys were for aesthetics of the design. The felling of Ash
trees had been the result of Ash Die Back on advice of the Forestry
Commission in 2018 and 2023. There had been a 176% increase in the
replanting of trees and shrubs.
Planning Officer drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the
following points;
- The application had to be considered under the West Oxfordshire
Local Plan and the Shilton
Neighbourhood Plan.
- The application was contrary to policies T1 and T3 for
sustainable transport. There would be a heavy reliance on the
private motor car as the bus stop on the B4020 is not safely
accessible and lies on an unpaved section of road. There are
limited facilities within close proximity of the site including no
pharmacy, shop or school.
- The increase in development to the site would result in harm to
the village by adding to the soft edge of the village and the
erosion of the rural setting. There would be a loss of woodland and
woodland habitats resulting in a detrimental impact on conservation
within the area.
- The compensatory planting of trees and shrubs was at a different
site and of no benefit to the development area.
- There were no objections from OCC Highways, Thames Water however
the Ecology and Drainage Officers had both asked for conditions to
be included.
Chair then invited the Sub-Committee to discuss the application,
which raised the following points:
- The Sub-Committee asked about the definition of self-build
housing. Abby Fettes confirmed that the definition of self-build
housing had recently changed and that the dwellings were considered
to be self-builds.
- The Sub-Committee raised concerns regarding the conservation and
protection of woodland areas, the impact on the edge of the
village, and the re-planting of shrubs and trees.
- The Sub-Committee raised concerns about the possible extension
to the village of Shilton and how this
would impact the village itself. There was concern about the lack
of amenities.
Councillor Nick Leverton proposed that the application be
refused in line with Officer’s recommendations.
This was seconded by Councillor Dan Levy , was put to the vote.
There were 11 votes in for the proposal, no votes against the
proposal and 2 abstentions. The Vote was carried.
Sub-Committee Resolved to:
- Refuse the application in line with
the Officer’s recommendations.
76. |
Applications Determined under Delegated Powers PDF 157 KB
To inform the Sub-Committee of applications
determined under delegated powers.
That the reports be noted.
The report giving
details of applications determined under delegated powers was
received and noted.
Page 70; Item 3;
23/01778/FUL North Leigh.
Councillor Harry St
John raised a query relating change of use of car park to serve
Eynsham Hall, and whether this was a permanent change. Elloise
Street, Planning Officer, confirmed that the use was until April
2024 and a temporary arrangement to assist with building
Page 74; Item 26;
23/02971/FUL Carterton South.
Councillor Michele
Mead, confirmed that the hedgerow had been removed from this
Page 77; Item 45;
23/03182/HHD Alvescot and Filkins.
Councillor Dan Levy
raised the point of being mindful when allowing permitted
development that developments are not increased in size.
Page 81; Item 70;
23/03354/S73 Witney West.
Councillor Andrew
Prosser asked for clarification on removal of condition 1 and
variation of condition 4 and why the application had not come back
to the Sub-Committee. The Development Manager advised that the
answer would be sought from the Case Officer.
77. |
Appeal Decisions
To inform the Sub-Committee of Appeal
No report to note.
There was no Appeals report to note.