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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 14 August 2023.


The minutes of the meeting held on 14 August 2023 were approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from:


Councillors Godfrey and Dingwall.

Councillor Dan Levy substituted Councillor Godfrey

Councillor Liam Walker substituted for Councillor Dingwall





Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting.


Declarations of Interest were received as follows:

  • Councillor Harry St. John ward member for North Leigh Parish Council.
  • Councillor Nick Leverton ward member for Carterton Town Council and Oxfordshire County Council (OCC).  
  • Councillor Liam Walker councillor for OCC
  • Councillor Adrian Walsh ward member for Ducklington


  • Delegated Decisions, Councillor Lysette Nicholls knew the applicants through the Parish Council on the following items:

-       pg 75 item 10, 23/01278/FUL Church Farm, Church End, South Leigh.

-       pg 81, item 44, 23/01755/HHD Old Crossing, Station Road, South Leigh.   



Applications for Development pdf icon PDF 476 KB


To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule.


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.



Application No.


Planning Officer

 9 - 48


Land South Of 1 New Yatt Road, North Leigh

David Ditchett

49 - 55


Barclay House 11 Burford Road, Carterton

David Ditchett

56 - 71


Land To The Rear Of  110 Witney Road, Ducklington

Elloise Street





23/00794/OUT Land South of 1 New Yatt Road, North Leigh, Oxfordshire.


David Ditchett, Principal Planner, presented the application for an outlined planning application (with all matters reserved except for means of access) for the erection of up to 43 residential dwellings, including affordable housing, public open space, landscape planting, sustainable drainage system and new access arrangements for New Yatt Road (amended plans).


Councillor Sarah Veasey, North Leigh Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application.


Jonathan Jeffs, North Leigh resident, spoke in objection to the application.


The Committee asked for clarification on the height of a fence requested. The speaker explained that currently there was a 2-strand fence, and they would want a more suitable fence for privacy.


Martin Andrews spoke on behalf of the applicant.


The Committee asked for clarification on the following points:

  • Redirection of water mains and no planting of trees over water mains
  • Flooding and capacity at the Long Hanborough pumping station.


Martin Andrews confirmed that trees and planting would not happen over the water mains.


The Principal Planner continued with the presentation which clarified the following points:

  • The tilted balance applied when considering the application;
  • The mix of affordable housing with a need for 1 and 2 bedroom housing in North Leigh;
  • Economic benefits to the area;
  • 20 min walk to local amenities, school, pub and shop;
  • Biodiversity gains and net zero ready;
  • Reduced timeframe to bring houses forward;
  • Landscape buffer areas from 16 – 3 metres around the site.
  • S106 funding, £75,000 contribution towards a cycle route from Witney to Long Hanborough via North Leigh.
  • Footpath to enable safer access and road safety.


The Principal Planner recommended approval of the application in line with the conditions set out in the report.


The Chair invited the Committee to discuss the application, which raised the following clarification points.


  • Mixed housing, numbers would not be reduced but would be refined to meet residents’ needs.
  • The coalescence of the site, there was no National Planning Policy Framework policy reference to coalescence.
  • Proportion of affordable housing would be set when the legal agreement is made and would be a minimum of 40%.
  • Site looked small in comparison to the neighbouring development, however would be of a density similar to that of the neighbouring development.
  • Connectivity and safety of path on one side of road as requested by Oxfordshire County Council. The developer had advised that due to an uneven verge this could not be done, resulting in the footpath being proposed on the opposite side of the road.
  • Buffer to prevent a footpath directly next to resident’s fences and gardens.
  • The possibility of a speed calming system.
  • Lots of new housing had been built in North Leigh in a short space of time.
  • The capacity for sewage works to support the development as the Committee raised concerns over whether the current pumping stations were at full capacity.
  • Increased use of cars in the village.


Councillor Charlie Maynard proposed the application be refused against the Officer’s recommendations.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Applications Determined under Delegated Powers and Appeal Decisions pdf icon PDF 116 KB


To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers and any appeal decisions.


That the reports be noted.


Additional documents:


The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was received and noted.

David Ditchett, Principal Planner outlined the Appeal Decisions report and provided an update on the current position with each application.

The Committee asked for clarification for delegated powers, pg 75, item 8. 23/01172/LBC, Eynsham Hall, North Leigh. The Principal Planner explained that the item was minor design change but would review the item and come back to the Committee with the reasons for this.

App/D3125/W/22/3312615 The Double Red Duke (Plough Inn) Black Bourton Road, Clanfield, Bampton.


The application was for construction of external bar, (retrospective). The bar was erected during the Covid period which allowed, with a licence, the use of outdoor entertainment facilities. Now the Covid restrictions no longer applied, and the licence had been discontinued the bar was in breach of planning as it was built without planning permission. The appeal was dismissed as it was found to be harmful to the listed building and not of sufficient public benefit. The Enforcement Team aimed to have the bar removed by October 2023.