Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from: Councillor Colin Dingwall.
Councillor Michele Mead substituted for Councillor Colin Dingwall.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: Declarations of Interest were received as follows
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 70 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 30 May 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 30 May 2023, were approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record, subject to 1. Principal Planner David Ditchett was not listed as present on the minutes. 2. Pages 6 and 8. Councillor ‘Nicols’ to be amended to ‘Nicholls’,
Applications for Development PDF 417 KB Purpose: To consider applications for development, details of which are set out in the attached schedule. Recommendation: That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the Business Manager – Development Management.
Additional documents: Minutes: 22/03240/OUT-Land South of Burford Road, Minister Lovell. The Principal Planning Officer, David Ditchett introduced the application and confirmed it had come before the committee on 30 May 2023. The Principal Planning Officer drew Members attention to the Additional Representations Report, page 5, which confirmed that application was to be deferred. This would allow the Biodiversity Officer and Planning Officer to consider an objection from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT). Officers would address all points raised and present the Committee with an updated report at the next meeting. The application was deferred to the next Lowlands Area Planning Sub-Committee on 17 July 2023. .
Councillor Harry St. John left the meeting at 2.20pm.
22/00981/HHD The Old Byre, 14 Newland Close The Planner Officer, Darcey Whitlock, introduced the application for demolition of existing garden shed, erection of greenhouse potting shed and a separate lean to bin store.
Councillor Nicholls proposed to approve the application in line with the Officers’ recommendations. This was seconded by Councillor Prosser, was put to the vote and was unanimously agreed by the Committee.
Committee Resolved to:
Councillor Harry St. John re-joined the meeting at 2.25pm. |
Applications Determined under Delegated Powers and Appeal Decisions PDF 99 KB Purpose: To inform the Sub-Committee of applications determined under delegated powers and any appeal decisions. Recommendation: That the reports be noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report giving details of applications determined under delegated powers was received and noted by the Committee. The Principal Planner, David Ditchett outlined the Appeal Decisions report which was noted by the Committee. 21/03342/OUT – Land South West of Downs Road, Curbridge Business Park, Witney. Outline planning application for a residential development comprising up to 75 dwellings – with up to 40% affordable housing provision- and public open space. All matters reserved. The original application was for a mixture of housing and employment. The developer had chosen not to build the employment element of the application and instead had submitted a new planning application for further housing. The Inspector found that the 5 Year Land Supply could not be demonstrated when the application came to Appeal and therefore the application for residential housing was allowed. Councillors asked for information on what cost WODC incurred and if there was any loss of S106 funding. The Principal Planner agreed to find out information on costs. The S106 funding was in line with what would have been agreed in the original application. 21/02618/FUL – 141 Queen Emmas Dyke, Witney. Erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings together with associated works and provision of vehicular access. The appeal was dismissed on character and appearance but also on amenity grounds. |
Enforcement Update Lowlands Area Planning Sub-Committee PDF 310 KB Purpose: To brief the Sub-Committee on the work of the enforcement team and to provide an update on progress in respect of priority enforcement investigations.
Recommendations: That the progress and nature of the outstanding enforcement investigations detailed in Sections A – C of Annex A be noted. Minutes: The report giving details of an update on Enforcement was received and noted. Kelly Murray, Principal Planner for Enforcement & Appeals outlined the work of the Enforcement Team, including the various powers available to the LPA to resolve cases. The Principal Planner for Enforcement & Appeals presented the Enforcement Update report. Councillors queried information on the Section 215 notice which may require the tidying up of land that has an adverse effect on amenity of the surrounding area. The Principal Planner for Enforcement & Appeals confirmed that the owner would be contacted and given a deadline for work to be carried out. Most owners would comply however in the event of non-compliance the cases may proceed to prosecution in the magistrates’ court.