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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Woodgreen, Witney, OX28 1NB

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


There were no apologies for absence.


Application to Vary a Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 77 KB


To determine a Variation to a Premises Licence Application made for the Siege of Orleans in Carterton, Oxfordshire.



That the Licensing Sub-Committee is asked, in the light of the representations received, to consider the application and determine whether to:-

·         grant the application as requested;

·         grant the application subject to such conditions that are necessary to promote the licensing objectives; or

·         refuse the application in whole or in part where it is necessary in order to promote the licensing objectives.



Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the licensing hearing to consider an application for a Variation to a Premises Licence, at the premises known as The Siege of Orleans, Alvescot Road, Carterton, Oxfordshire.


The Chairman introduced himself, the panel, the Licensing Officer and Legal Officer.

The applicant, Mr Jones introduced himself and confirmed that the application had been advertised in accordance with Licensing Act regulations.


The Chairman outlined the process the hearing would follow and introduced the interested parties present as follows:


James Rae - Objector

Carol Clews - Objector

JG Fitzgibbon – Objector


Philip Measures was also in attendance as the Council’s Environmental Health Officer.

The Licensing Officer introduced her report which related to an application for a variation to a premises licence for the Siege of Orleans in Carterton, Oxfordshire.


Previously, the applicant had applied for several Temporary Event Notices (TEN) over the past 12 months.


The variation to the licence was for the use of an upstairs area along with an extension of hours for sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment as follows:


  • Supply by retail of alcohol on and off the premises between the hours of

Sunday to Thursday 1100hrs to midnight

Friday and Saturday 1100hrs to 0100hrs

  • Live and recorded music inside the premises between the hours of

Sunday to Thursday 2300hrs to midnight

Friday and Saturday 2300hrs to 0100hrs


The Live Music Act 2015 and Deregulation Act 2015 permitted the Premises Licence holder to play live and recorded music between the hours of 08.00 and 23.00 hours where the sale of alcohol (on sales) were taking place.


Thames Valley Police had submitted conditions which had been agreed with the applicant and these were attached at Annex C to the report.  Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue had submitted a response, the applicant had submitted a risk assessment and the Fire Officer was satisfied with this.


Technical Pollution Services (TPS) had also submitted conditions, prior to the meeting, however, no response to these had been received from the applicant. These were outlined in Annex D to the report and the numbering clarified by officers.


In response to a query from the Chairman, the Licensing Officer advised that some of the conditions in Annex D had been agreed but the Panel required clarification on those still outstanding.  The Chairman therefore asked the applicant if he agreed to all of the conditions and he confirmed that he did not.


The Chairman asked the Licensing Officer to advise the current agreement in place and the officer stated that the hours currently were 11am to 11pm for the sale of alcohol on site only.


The Chairman asked the Applicant to address the Panel.


Mr Jones stated that the application had been submitted in light of the circumstantial change in trade over the last 24 months, whereby the ‘Siege’ as a business had evolved from being an ‘Ale House’ style premise to a bar. They felt the extension to the licensing hours would give them the best opportunity to grow and compete on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.