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Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1NB. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Election of Chair



To appoint a Chair for the Civic Year 2024/25.




That a Chair of the Development Control Committee be elected for the Civic Year 2024/25.



Appointment of Vice Chair



To appoint a Vice-Chair for the Civic Year 2024/25.




That a Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee be elected for the Civic Year 2024/25.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Appointment of Sub Committees Lowlands and Uplands pdf icon PDF 80 KB



To invite the Development Control Committee to appoint members to the Lowlands Sub-Committee and the Uplands Sub-Committee for the 2024/25 municipal year.




That the Development Control Committee resolves to:

  1. Agree that seats on the Lowlands Sub-Committee and the Uplands Sub-Committee will be allocated based on ward rather than political balance, in accordance with Section 17 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989;
  2. Appoint the Chair of the Development Control Committee to the Lowlands Sub-Committee and the Uplands Sub-Committee;
  3. Appoint Members of the Development Control Committee who represent wards in the Lowlands area of the district to the Lowlands Sub-Committee as set out in Annex B; To Follow.
  4. Appoint Members of the Development Control Committee who represent wards in the Uplands area of the district to the Uplands Sub-Committee as set out in Annex B; To Follow.
  5. Agree that the Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee will attend meetings of the Sub-Committee they are not appointed to as a non-voting member;
  6. Note that any Member of a Member’s political group, having undertaken planning training, is permitted to substitute for a Member of a planning sub-committee, in accordance with the wishes of the Member being substituted;
  7. Note that the provisions for substitutions on planning committees and sub-committees will be considered by the Constitution Working Group, including specifically whether substitutions should be allowed from outside of a Member’s political group.

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