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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair for the 2022/23 Council Year


The Business Manager for Democratic Services opened the meeting as it was the first meeting of the civic year 2022-23, and the Chair needed to be appointed.

Councillor Langridge proposed Councillor Poskitt be appointed as Chair of the Committee, which was seconded by Councillor Poole.

Resolved, Councillor Poskitt was appointed as Chair of the Committee for the civic year 2022 - 23.


Election of Vice-Chair for the 2022/23 Council Year


The Chair, Councillor Poskitt proposed Councillor Poole be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Committee, which was seconded by Councillor Cahill.

Resolved, Councillor Poole was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Committee for the civic year 2022 - 23.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2021.


The minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2021 were approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Joy Aitman and Alex Wilson.




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting


There were no declarations of interest received.


Participation of the public

To receive any submissions from members of the public, in accordance with the Council’s Rules of Procedure, anyone who lives in the district or who pays council tax or business rates to the Council is eligible to read a statement or express an opinion at this meeting. You can register to speak by sending your written submission of no more than 750 words to [email protected], by no later than 10.00am on the working day before the meeting.


The Chair suggested and the Committee agreed that item 11 would be moved forward as a public speaker was registered to speak on that item.

The Chair then welcomed, and invited Mr Alex Postan to address the Committee.

Mr Postan stated that since 2019 he was in favour of the project, it was an outstanding collection of the finest cars in the world, representing an astonishing gift to the nation. The museum includes a track and area for demonstrations. Residents of the lodges will have historic vehicles which can be displayed and enjoyed by visitors to the Museum.   This may bring extra traffic to the area but in turn will bring extra jobs and a future for the local residents.



Update on the Councils current Land Supply status


To receive an update on the Councils current Land Supply status.



That members note the update and comment as necessary.


The Council’s Planning Policy Manager addressed the Committee to update on the latest status of the Council’s current land supply.

The new Housing Land Supply Position Statement will be issued within 7 – 10 days, this is to ensure it is not rushed and it will be as robust as possible.

Councillors expressed disappointment that there was another delay in the statement as it was due on 31 October and asked several questions:

  • how many units would make up the shortfall
  • when and where were these units going to be delivered
  • would the Council ask developers to increase numbers
  • when did the planners know there was a shortfall
  • when the statement is published how can councillors be assured that it is robust and accurate
  • will quality be compromised given that the Salt Cross development Inspectorate removed carbon neutral aims
  • were developers taking too long to deliver housing


The Council’s Planning Policy Manager, Planning & Strategic Housing, confirmed that the Local Plan steps up the housing numbers from this point making the Five Year Land Supply (5YLS) homes target higher. Total numbers of homes predicted for completion over the next five years are being finalised but there was no time at this meeting to detail every site under review but the importance of the 5YLS position has been recognised.

At the Burford appeal in July, the Inspector was not convinced by Council’s evidence for the 5.3 YLS claim. We have now reviewed the evidence taken but it takes time to check that the number of homes expected to be completed remains valid. The 5YLS is reviewed at the end of each year. Originally, when the Local Plan was produced, we could demonstrate and evidence our 5 year land supply. Numbers will be reviewed with the half way revision of the Local Plan now taking place.

The Council will look at opportunities where the capacity of sites could be increased without compromising on quality. Statistics of other local authorities suggest that 37% cannot demonstrate 5 year land supply. Initially the Council only had to demonstrate a 3YLS as part of the Oxfordshire Growth Deal but this concession was withdrawn by central government.

Some large developments may come to the Committee in three months’ time. Officers will try to ensure the committee has notice of large developments in the pipeline.

Resolved that the Committee noted the update.


Frequency of sub-committee meetings


To agree the frequency of Uplands and Lowlands Sub-Committees.



The frequency of the Sub-Committees is reviewed and updated where necessary.


After a discussion between Councillors and the Council’s Development Manager, it was proposed by Councillor Haine, and seconded by Councillor Jackson that the frequency of sub-committee meetings go back to once a month. After progressing to a vote, which one Councillor abstained on, the vote was tied.

The Chair casted the deciding vote against the proposal, therefore

Resolved the sub-committee meetings would continue to be held every 4 weeks.



Neighbour notification


To discuss the current neighbour notification process.



Note the discussion and recommend amendments to process if necessary.


The Council’s Development Manager explained that the Council’s current Neighbour Notification process was introduced in 2014, and going electronic had saved the Council over £20,000 in postal fees annually.

Councillors discussed the value of receiving notifications, and were pleased to hear that planning officers did a physical post through the letter boxes of neighbours if they had not received any contact.

It was agreed that planning officers would publicise the public access notification of applications process on the website for the public and send the link to Councillors.

Resolved that the Councillors noted the process, and officers would publicise the process on the Council’s website.



The legal process for determining applications, the Scheme of Delegation and Permitted Development


To provide the Councillors with training for determining applications, the Scheme of Delegation and Permitted Development.




Training is provided for Councillors for determining applications, the Scheme of Delegation and Permitted Development.




The Business Manager - Development & Sustainability presented a number of slides for the legal process for determining applications, the Scheme of Delegation and Permitted Development.

Councillors’ questions and clarifications focused on:

  • Consultation period
  • Signage
  • Timescales
  • Sustainable development checklist
  • Sustainable mandatory policy
  • Five year land supply track record of the developers
  • Decisions against policies
  • Solar farms
  • Utility agencies no issues with planning applications
  • Section 106 money, windfalls


The training session concluded with the Business Manager - Development & Sustainability, explaining the planning development management team structure to Councillors, and agreeing to forward the slides to Councillors.

Resolved that the training session was noted.



Mullin Project


To receive an update from Officers on the Mullin Project.



Committee to note the update.


The Business Manager - Development & Sustainability addressed the Committee to update Councillors on the Mullin Project as it was 2019 since it was approved by the Council.

The Business Manager presented a number of slides focusing on the following:

  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) – analysis
  • Annotated Land Use Plan
  • Building Heights
  • Illustrative Master Plan Landscape building
  • Sketch Perspective One and Two
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Statement (LVIS) – Visual Impacts
  • Photo Montage – Visual Impact
  • Existing Museum in California
  • Existing Collection


A Community Forum had been established with the local Parish and communities.

This project should be coming back to the committee in January 2023.

Councillors discussed fast tracking applications, community access costs and fees, the number of lodges to be built, whether there could be an aerial video of the site, and public park land.

Councillor Jackson commented that there would be a Community Forum meeting on 8 November at the Cricket Club that could be of interest and useful to Councillors.

Councillor Langridge proposed a site visit. This was seconded by Councillor Alaric Smith, put to the vote and carried.

The Chair asked that Councillors attend the site visit and the Business Manager asked the Councillors that visited the site last time what they found useful.

A discussion between Councillors followed and it was suggested that the whole site was visited on the same day that the project is coming back to the Committee, when the date is known.

Resolved that the Committee noted the update on the Mullin Project, and agreed a site visit once the date is known that the project is coming back to the Committee.