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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Virtual meeting

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Community Jubilee funding scheme pdf icon PDF 134 KB



For the portfolio holder for Customer Delivery to approve, under delegated powers, the principles and parameters of the Jubilee funding scheme which aims to provide financial support to communities holding events to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.




To approve the principles and parameters of the Jubilee Fund as set out in the report.


Notification of Decision of the Cabinet Member for Customer Delivery


Present:  Councillor Jane Doughty

Officers:  Heather McCulloch, Community Wellbeing Manager


1.          Community Jubilee Funding Scheme


Following a delegation from the Leader on 30th March 2022, the Cabinet Member for Customer Delivery was authorised to make temporary amendments to the criteria, procedure and policy for Community Activity Grant applications in respect of events related to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, and to determine such applications up to a maximum of £500. This delegation would remain in place for two months.


The dedicated Jubilee fund would sit under the umbrella of the Community Activities Grant scheme. It would take a more simplistic approach with a slimmed down application form based on the version used by the Council during Covid to distribute grants.  The total budget available for applications to the Jubilee fund was £5,000. This would be taken from the CAG budget with the remaining £6,000 in the CAG budget to be made available for applications later in 2022/23.


The full criteria for the fund was set out in paragraph 2.4 of the report and was aimed to encourage partnership and collaborative working between groups and individuals in the planning of events, ensuring that the funding reached as many communities as possible.


The scheme would open for applications on Monday 11th April and close on 25th April 2022. Decisions would be made in early May, with applicants being notified within a week of the decision.


Having published the proposed decision, alerting Councillors and allowing the five clear days for Call-In to pass, the Cabinet Member and officer met to formally approved the decision.


Therefore, it was


Resolved that the principles and parameters of the Jubilee Fund as set out in the report, be approved.