Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 2, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Community Activity Grants PDF 216 KB Purpose The purpose of the meeting is to determine applications to the Community Activity Grant scheme.
Recommendation To approve, under delegated authority, the applications as set out in Annex A to the report. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Customer Delivery, Councillor Doughty, received a report from the Community Wellbeing Manager which detailed applications to the Community Activity Grant Scheme. The report recommended approval, under delegated authority, of the applications as set out in Annex A to the report. There were fifteen applications listed to be considered. Officers advised that application CAG/2122/14 from the Burford Environmental Action group had been withdrawn since the publication of the report, so there were now fourteen applications requiring consideration.
Councillor Doughty thanked the Officers for the hard work that had been done pulling the report together very late and so close to Christmas and she wished it to be known that this work had been appreciated. Councillor Cooper asked for clarity on one of the applications, CAG/2122/16 which related to Long Mead Foundation and Nature Recovery Network. The Officers present were able to confirm where the applicant was based and provided more detail about the nature of the activity. Councillor Doughty enquired if the applicants had made a request to the local Town or Parish Councils for contribution to funds. It was confirmed that currently the criteria did not require applicants to either seek a contribution from the Town and Parish Council, or contribute any funding themselves. A discussion followed whereby, future recommendations were made:
Having considered the report, and having heard from the officers and Councillor present, the Cabinet Member for Customer Delivery Resolved that the recommendations set out in Annex A to the report, be approved.