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Agenda and draft minutes

Contact: Democratic Services 

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Declarations of Interests

To receive any declarations from Members on any items to be considered at the meeting.



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Community Activity Grant pdf icon PDF 431 KB


The purpose is to determine applications to the Community Activity Grant scheme.



a)    To approve, under delegated authority, the applications as set out in the report.

b)    To defer two applications for further information.

c)    To devolve decisions on deferred applications to officers working with portfolio holder and the Cost of Living steering group.

d)    To devolve to officers working with portfolio holder and the Cost of Living steering group the remaining budget to target support in areas of need.





The Community Wellbeing Manager, Heather McCulloch introduced the report for Applications to the Community Activity Grant scheme, concluding that Officers’ recommendations were set out in the report.

The Cabinet member for Stronger Healthy Communities, Councillor Joy Aitman, asked questions about each of the applications, listed in Annex A of the report, to determine the full background surrounding the requests.

There were two applications that it was agreed could be deferred, however these should not be deferred longer than two weeks.

Councillor Aitman thanked the Communities Wellbeing Team for their prompt action and dedication working through the applications.

Following discussions Councillor Aitman approved the officers’ recommendations:

a) To approve, under delegated authority, the applications as set out in the report.

b) To defer two applications for further information.

c) To devolve decisions on deferred applications to officers working with portfolio

holder and the Cost of Living steering group.

d) To devolve to officers working with portfolio holder and the Cost of Living steering group the remaining budget to target support in areas of need.


Resolved to approve the officers’ recommendations set out in Annex A of the report.