Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28 October 2020 |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations from Members of the Committee on any items to be considered at the meeting |
Receipt of Announcements To receive any announcements from The Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Head of Paid Service. |
Participation of the Public To receive any submissions from members of the public, in accordance with the Council’s Rules of Procedure. |
Recommendations from the Executive PDF 87 KB Purpose: Recommendation: |
Report of the Cabinet and the Council's Committees PDF 117 KB To receive the reports of the following meetings of the Cabinet and the Council’s Committees. Unless otherwise stated, copies are attached:
Additional documents:
Programme of Meetings for 2021/2022 PDF 139 KB Purpose: To consider and agree a programme of meetings for the civic year 2021/2022. Recommendations: (a) That the Calendar of Meetings for 2021/2022 set out in the Annex to the report be approved; and
Scheme of Members' Allowances for 2021/2022 PDF 120 KB Purpose: To consider the report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for the allowances to be applicable for the financial year 2021/2022. Recommendations: (a) That the Council considers the report and recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel as set out in the Appendix to the report, and specified in paragraph 2.3 of the report; (b) That, in the event of the Council approving the recommendations from the Panel and of any pay award for staff not being in place at the start of the financial year 2021/2022, the increases for Councillors be backdated to 1 April 2021; and
Motion- Policing in West Oxfordshire PDF 146 KB Purpose: To consider the motion originally proposed and seconded at Council on 26 February 2020, in the context of the discussion at the meeting of the Economic and Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 19 November 2020. Recommendation: That the Council considers and determines the motion in the light of the discussion at the meeting of the Economic and Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Motion - CCTV in Witney PDF 282 KB Purpose: To consider the motion originally proposed and seconded at Council on 26 February 2020, in the context of its consideration by the Economic and Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee and any further comments by the proposer and seconder. Recommendation: That the Council considers the matter in the context of its consideration by the Economic and Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and any further comments from the proposer and seconder.
Motion - Tenants Forum PDF 247 KB Purpose: To consider the motion originally proposed and seconded at Council on 26 February 2020, in the context of the comments and recommendation of the Economic and Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Recommendation: That the Council considers and determines the motion in the light of the recommendation of the Economic and Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Notice of Motion - 20mph Speed Limits The following Motion has been received in the names of Councillors Ted Fenton and Jane Doughty, namely:- “In December 2020 Oxfordshire County Council unanimously resolved to support the premise that 20mph is the optimum speed limit in built-up areas. This Council supports that decision and whilst it is not the highways authority decisions are made which can affect road safety. Layout of new roads, traffic calming in existing roads and the provision of safe space for active travel are all matters on which this Council has an influence. West Oxfordshire District Council therefore resolves to include consideration of appropriate measures to improve road safety in all relevant decisions, especially planning, to ensure that its roads are as safe as possible for all users”.
Notice of Motion - Find Test Trace Isolate and Support System The following Motion has been received in the names of Councillors Duncan Enright and Owen Collins, namely:- “This Council notes that: 1. both the Local Government Association and the National Audit Office have issued reports showing the urgent need for a properly funded local Find Test Trace Isolate and Support System (FTTIS) for Covid-19 and all other pandemics to follow. They show the urgent need to give (FTTIS) back, properly funded, to local public health professionals under the leadership of Directors of Public Health. 2. The international evidence and scientific advice for a local approach has been overwhelming from the outset. It leads to swift, timely responses, good compliance rates, and better control of this disease. 3. The local evidence from the 150 LAs which are now undertaking part of the FTTIS system shows that local works better than national. 4. It will be many months before sufficient numbers of people are vaccinated to suppress the spread of the virus, so we need a robust system in place now - for the sake of the population’s health, and to reduce further damage to our economy. This Council therefore urges the government to redirect funding intended for private sector organisations for FTTIS in the coming months to local authorities and local NHS.”
Notice of Motion - Transport along the A40 Corridor The following Motion has been received in the names of Councillors Dan Levy and Carl Rylett, namely:- “This Council notes that Oxfordshire County Council at its meeting in November 2020 passed a motion, set out below, relating to transport along the A40 corridor: The decision, last autumn now, by the Oxfordshire LEP to withdraw the funding from the Loop Farm project (Duke’s Cut to Loop Farm Roundabout), a long-promised relief road to the A40 round Oxford, undermines sensible solutions to the endless traffic jams on the A40 between Witney and Oxford roundabouts. Given that the use of public money should be productive Council asks Cabinet to review the plans presently being offered and adopt a long-term strategy that will meet the public’s needs for the next twenty years at least and as part of this work, Council asks the Cabinet to consider undertaking a feasibility study should funding be confirmed to look at a rail link from Carterton, Witney and Eynsham to Oxford. West Oxfordshire District Council welcomes this motion from the County Council, and commits to working positively and actively with the County Council when the proposed review is undertaken, and recognises that the residents and businesses of West Oxfordshire are hindered by the inadequate infrastructure for travel along the A40 corridor”.
Emergency / Urgency Delegations PDF 804 KB Purpose: To note decisions taken under the emergency and urgency delegation arrangements approved by Council on 13 May 2020. Recommendation: That the report be noted.
Sealing of Documents PDF 57 KB Purpose: To note the documents sealed since the last report. Recommendation: That the report be noted