Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 101 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2021 |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Councillors relating to items to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Local Code of Conduct, and any from Officers.
Receipt of Announcements To receive any announcements from The Chairman, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Head of Paid Service. |
Participation of the Public To receive any submissions from members of the public, in accordance with the Council’s Rules of Procedure. |
Recommendations from the Executive PDF 79 KB Purpose: Recommendation: |
Report of the Cabinet and the Council's Committees PDF 86 KB To receive the reports of the following meetings of the Cabinet and the Council’s Committees. Unless otherwise stated, copies are attached:
Additional documents: |
Council Tax 2021/2022 (Report of the Cabinet - copy attached) PDF 270 KB Purpose: To calculate and set the Council Tax for 2021/2022. Recommendation: That the recommendations as set out in the report be considered and approved.
Climate Action Bi-annual Report (Report of the Climate Change Manager - copy attached) PDF 2 MB Purpose: To present to Council (i) a biannual report on the climate action taken by West Oxfordshire District Council in response to the climate and ecological emergency during the last six months: August 2020-January 2021; (ii) the West Oxfordshire Climate Change Strategy, for approval; and (iii) a Sustainability Standards Checklist in planning, for approval. Recommendations: (a) That the contents of the biannual report on climate action for West Oxfordshire be noted; (b) That the Climate Change Strategy for West Oxfordshire and Sustainability Standards Checklist for planning be approved; and (c) That the Council’s priorities for the next six months be noted.
Purpose: To note decisions taken under the emergency and urgency delegation arrangements approved by Council on 13 May 2020. Recommendation: That the report be noted.
Sealing of Documents (copy attached) PDF 102 KB Purpose: To note the documents sealed since the last report. Recommendation: That the report be noted.