Issue - meetings
Planned Expenditure of Homeless Prevention Grant
Meeting: 12/03/2025 - Executive (Item 310)
310 Update on Funding for Homelessness and Rough Sleeping PDF 76 KB
To update Members on the allocation of funding to address Homelessness and Rough Sleeping.
That the Executive resolves to:
1. Note the ring-fenced grant conditions laid out in the MHCLG letter dated December 2024.
2. Note the content of the report relating to the planned spending of this grant funding.
Additional documents:
Councillor Geoff Saul, Executive Member for Housing and Social Care, introduced the item, the purpose of which was to update Members on the allocation of funding to address Homelessness and Rough Sleeping. Councillor Saul advised that the MHCLG Homeless Prevention Grant received by West Oxfordshire was £645,730. The stipulations of the grant meant that it was ringfenced for use to prevent single homelessness and rough sleeping, reduce the number of families in temporary accommodation and reduce the use of bed and breakfast accommodation for families. Councillor Saul noted that 49% of the grant was ringfenced to be used on prevention. The Council had seen increasing costs of providing accommodation with a 40-50% increase to numbers of households provided emergency accommodation, and as such the non-ringfenced allocation would be spent on such items. Councillor Saul noted that it was therefore welcome that the prevention amount was ringfenced.
Councillor Geoff Saul, Executive Member for Housing and Social Care, proposed accepting the recommendations of the report.
Councillor Alaric Smith, Executive Member for Finance, seconded the recommendation.
That the Executive:
1. Note the ring-fenced grant conditions laid out in the MHCLG letter dated December 2024.
2. Note the content of the report relating to the planned spending of this grant funding.