Issue - meetings
Mid-Point Review of Car Parking Strategy
Meeting: 11/12/2024 - Executive (Item 269)
269 Mid-Point Review of Car Parking Strategy PDF 481 KB
To provide a mid-point update on the progress of the recommendations arising from the ‘Review of Car parks’ report approved by Executive in October 2023.
That the Executive resolves to:
1. Note the content of the report.
Additional documents:
- Annex A - data report 18.01.24 - 20.07.24, item 269 PDF 926 KB
- Annex B Copy of Condition Survey - WODC Car Parks - AT Edit V3 - Front Sheet PDF, item 269 PDF 25 KB
- Updated Annex A - WOD Car Parking Report, item 269 PDF 929 KB
The Executive Member for Leisure and Major Projects introduced the report, which provided a mid-point update on the progress of the recommendations
arising from the ‘Review of Car parks’ report approved by Executive in
October 2023. A corrected version of Annex A of the report was contained in the Supplementary report published on Monday, 9 December.
The Business Manager for Service Support explained the contents of the report on the Leader’s invitation. West Oxfordshire District Council parking strategy was approved in 2016 and covered the period up to and including 2031. A review of car parks was carried out in 2023 to ensure that the current strategy still met the needs of the district considering changes to parking behaviour, post COVID. A report was presented to the Executive on 11 October 2023 summarising the findings of the initial ‘review of car parks’. The report summarised the midterm progress on the recommendations agreed in the report of11 October 2023. The recommendations of the report dated 11 October 2023 were agreed and listed in the report.
The Leader explained that the Council had introduced new signage in its car parks. In discussing the report, other Members in attendance asked whether there was any data on the back lane car park. The Business Manager for Service Support explained that this would be contained in a future executive report, and welcomed any feedback from Members.
Annex B provided a summary of the condition surveys on West Oxfordshire District Council car parks carried out to safeguard Council assets and the report also summarised the actions taken to date following ongoing engagement with customers
and Town and Parish Councils.
Councillor Tim Sumner proposed that the Executive agree the recommendations as listed on the report. This was seconded by Alaric Smith was put to a vote, and
was unanimously agreed by the Executive.
The Executive resolved to:
- Note the content of the report.