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Issue - meetings

Strategic Risk Register

Meeting: 25/07/2024 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 13)

13 Strategic Risk Register pdf icon PDF 50 KB


The report brings to members the current version of the Strategic Risk Register for information and assurance that risks to the Council are being managed and appropriate actions are being taken to mitigate risk.



That the Audit and Governance Committee resolves to:

1.    Note the Strategic Risk Register.



Cheryl Sloan, Business Manager for Governance, Risk and Business Continuity


Additional documents:


Andrea McCaskie, the Director of Governance, introduced the report that brought to Members the current version of the Strategic Risk Register for information and to provide assurance that any risks to the Council were being managed and appropriate actions were being taken to mitigate risk.


It was explained that all updates to the commentary since the March Audit and Governance Committee were  shown in red, along with a direction of travel column, which shows if the risk had either increased / red (got worse), decreased / green (reduced in risk) or stayed the same since the last time it was reported to Audit Committee.


Two new risks have been added since the last report to Audit and Governance Committee included:


·         ER5 General Election. This was added when the general election was announced for 4th July 2024 to ensure this was managed effectively. This risk would now be closed and removed from the Strategic Risk register.

·         ER6 Diddly Squat. This risk was added in preparation for the release of series 3 and the potential impact this may have on the council and its employees in Publica. A project team was established to monitor and manage any potential impact.


One risk had been increased since the last report:


·         SR2 Major Civil Emergency: the transition of services from Publica to the councils was having an immediate impact on the emergency call out arrangements, where critical employees were no longer with the business. It was expected that there will be further impact, and therefore proposals were being reviewed for current and future mitigation.


There were no further changes to the risk register except for updates which were shown in red.


Based on various questions and queries from Members the following points were explained:


·         In regard to the ER6, it picked up issues that came to light and ensure that the Council were prepared with messaging on the website and that staff had the support they required.

·         Emergency planning and business continuity were on the action plan as more testing was required and it was highlighted as an area that it would be worked on.

·         It was questioned why the five year land supply was not on the risk register. Officers would enquire about this and get this added as requested.


 RESOLVED that the Audit and Governance Committee AGREED to:

1.    Note the strategic risk register.