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Issue - meetings

Public Convenience Contract

Meeting: 22/07/2024 - Executive (Item 213)

213 Public Convenience Contract pdf icon PDF 66 KB


To consider agree a contract award for the cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences.



That the Executive resolves to:

1.    Award the contract for cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences to the preferred contractor.

Additional documents:


Councillor Lidia Arciszewska, Executive Member for Environment, introduced the report, which considered whether to agree a contract award for the cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences.


Councillor Lidia Arciszewska proposed that the Executive agree to the recommendation as listed on the report. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Prosser, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by the Executive.


The Executive Resolved to:

1.    Award the contract for cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences to the preferred contractor.

Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 27)

27 Public Convenience Contract pdf icon PDF 66 KB


To note that a contract award for the cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences would be agreed by the Executive.



The Committee notes the report and agrees any recommendations it wishes to make to the Executive on 22 July 2024.

The Executive is recommended to:

1.    Award the contract for cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences to the preferred contractor.

Additional documents:


The Parking Manager introduced a report that would ask Executive to consider to agree a contract award for the cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences.


It was explained that the procurement process was carried out with an open tender method. The new contract would benefit from economies of scale being a shared contract across Cotswold District Council and West Oxfordshire District Council.


The council owned public conveniences were currently cleaned and maintained by Danfo (UK) Ltd under contract. The contract expires on the 30th September 2024, and a procurement exercise had been completed to secure a new contract from 1st October 2024 for a period of 4 years.


Quality criteria included an assessment of the bidders’ ability to meet the required standards, their arrangements for management and supervision, their approach to manage customer complaints, their fleet management arrangements, their resilience and their approach to health and safety and sustainability.


Officers evaluated the bids, the outcome being that the preferred contractor for

recommendation was Danfo (UK) Ltd, the current supplier. (Annex B)


The Parking Manager answered questions from Members and the following points were to be noted:


·         It was only the contract that was being looked at not services in general.

·         Outsourcing to Parish and Town Councils was not looked at on the occasion; however it would be looked at under the review.

·         There review would come out once the contract was decided and within that contract there was a clause that enabled negotiation of more or less services to be provided.


RESOLVED that the Committee AGREED:


1. To Note the Public Convenience Contract.