Issue - meetings
Development Management Improvement Programme
Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 38)
38 Development Management Improvement Programme - Progress Update PDF 166 KB
To report progress with the implementation of the Development Management Improvement Plan (DMIP) and outline areas of current/future improvement.
That the Committee Resolves to:
1. Note the existing/proposed improvements to the Development Management process, alongside the direction of travel for future improvements post repatriation of the Planning Service to WODC.
Councillor Hugo Ashton, Executive Member for Planning
Phil Shaw, Business Manager Development & Sustainability
Additional documents:
The Business Manager Development & Sustainability introduced the report that outlined the progress with the implementation of the Development Management Improvement Plan (DMIP) and outlined areas of current/future improvement.
It was explained that a series of improvements had been made or were proposed to be undertaken and were contained in a Development Management Improvement Plan (DMIP). The report identified the progress that had been made and then also set out further potential changes and improvements that could be made alongside the repatriation of the planning function to West Oxfordshire District Council.
The many changes were contained in the report; however, in reference to paragraph 4.16 it was to be emphasised that there were a series of other areas that would be examined for improvement.
The Executive Member for Planning thanked the Business Manager Development & Sustainability and his team for the report and the improvements thus far. He wished to add that the recruitment of staff and funds had been approved and that recruitment was currently underway.
The following points and suggestions were by the Committee:
- It was suggested that persistent planning enforcement complaints should dealt with in a different way and if there could be alerts to notify people that Officers had attended the site. The process was explained, and the system was often misunderstood. Legally the question was not whether a development conformed to the plans that had been approved, it was whether it was causing harm.
- Ecology Officer capacity was the largest concern currently due to changes in requirements around biodiversity net gain. There would likely be a business case done to reflect that anticipated need. Recruitment would be done to ensure employees would be directly employed by West Oxfordshire District Council.
- There were plans for progression within the planning team and for succession planning to ensure career development and retention of staff.
- IT and moving to a cloud-based system would be examined once planning services were in house and the Publica split was complete.
- Proactive monitoring may be required for the larger strategic sites to ensure various housing requirements would be met. The Council had come years ago employed a proactive enforcement officer across planning and building control which had proven to be very effective and had fulfilled it’s purpose. The reintroduction of a similar resource would be beneficial.
- It was also suggested that the financial implications and pressures on local authorities be considered as a recommendation at a future Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
- Members appreciated the report and suggested that it was very positive to see performance improving.
RESOLVED that the Committee:
Noted the existing/proposed improvements to the Development Management process, alongside the direction of travel for future improvements post repatriation of the Planning Service to the Council.
Agreed to submit the following recommendations to the Executive on 11 September 2024:
- That a business case is developed and considered for a proactive enforcement officer post.
- That training is offered to elected Members on planning enforcement, including the legal framework and the role of Members.