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Issue - meetings

Performance Report Q1 2023-2024

Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Executive (Item 82)

82 Service Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter One pdf icon PDF 526 KB


To provide details of the Council’s operational performance at the end of 2023-24 Quarter One (Q1).


That the Executive resolves to:

  1. Note the 2023/24 Quarter 1 Service Performance Report; and
  2. Ask officers to review the performance indicator data set to better reflect the emerging priorities and actions in the revised Council Plan.

Additional documents:


Councillor Dan Levy, Executive Member for Finance, introduced and gave an overview of the report, which provided details of the Council’s operational performance at the end of 2023-24 Quarter One (Q1).

Councillor Dan Levy proposed that the Executive agreed to the recommendations as set out in the report. This was seconded by Councillor Andy Graham, was put to a vote, and unanimously agreed by the Executive.

The Executive Resolved to:

  1. Note the 2023/24 Quarter 1 Service Performance Report; and 
  2. Ask officers to review the performance indicator data set to better reflect the emerging priorities and actions in the revised Council Plan.