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Selection of a Preferred Candidate for the Role of Director of Finance

Meeting: 17/04/2024 - Performance and Appointments Committee (Item 4)

4 Human Resources Employment Policies pdf icon PDF 72 KB


To update the Performance and Appointments Committee relating to the refresh (phase 2) of the employment policies for West Oxfordshire District Council. No changes have been made to the employee terms and conditions, only to clarify and enable policies to be used concurrently with employee relations matters, giving clarity and usability to both employees and managers alike.



That the Performance and Appointments Committee Resolves to:

1.    Agree the Recruitment, Retirement and Time Off Guidance employment policies attached at Annex A.

Additional documents:


John Llewellyn, Head of Human Resources, introduced the report, which provided updates to the Committee regarding the refresh (Phase 2) of the employment policies for West Oxfordshire District Council.

The report stated that no changes had been made to the employee terms and conditions, and sought only to clarify and enable policies to be used concurrently with employee relations matters, giving clarity and usability to both employees and managers alike.


In debate, the Committee queried in relation to the Recruitment Policy the meaning of “peer group” in relation to pay scales. The Committee also requested clarification of requirements of personal declarations from job applicants stating whether or not they had close relations to officers of the Council or any associated bodies, and whether this should be extended to include close relations to Councillors.

The Head of Human Resources committed to seeking a more appropriate definition of ‘peer group’, and also committed to considering the parameters of the general policy regarding close relations to ensure that it also covered Members and not just Officers.


Councillor Andy Graham proposed that the Committee agree to the recommendation as listed on the report, subject to clarification being provided from the Head of Human Resources which would answer questions raised by the Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Dan Levy, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by the Committee.


The Director of Governance reaffirmed a resolution previously agreed by Council, whereby delegation was given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Director of Governance, to approve subsequent amendments to any West Oxfordshire District Council employment policies that may be necessary, in line with legal changes and best practice, to ensure the Council’s policies remain compliant.


The Committee Resolved to:

  1. Agree the Recruitment, Retirement and Time Off Guidance employment policies, attached at Annex A of the original report.


Councillor Duncan Enright arrived before the meeting was called to a close.

Meeting: 17/07/2023 - Performance and Appointments Committee (Item 23)

Selection of a Preferred Candidate for the Role of Director of Finance

The Committee are to adjourn the meeting to undertake interviews for the post of Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer).


Interview paperwork will be circulated separately to Committee Members.


The Committee are to reconvene at an agreed time to:

1.    Agree the selection of one or more preferred candidates for the post of Director of Finance;

2.    Delegate the making of a conditional offer and the agreement of all terms and conditions, to the Chief Executive Officer, subject to confirmation within a time period set by the Monitoring Officer that no member of the Executive has an objection to the proposed appointment, or the Performance and Appointments Committee being satisfied that any objection is not material or well-founded;

3.    Recommend to Council to:

a)    Delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Performance and Appointments Committee, to appoint a candidate recommended by the Performance and Appointments Committee, to the role of Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), subject to two references, medical clearance and eligibility check (BPSS check) in accordance with the Council’s policies;

b)    Agree that the appointment will be made on a salary of up to £85,000 per annum plus pending pay award;

c)    Agree the appointment commences on a date to be mutually agreed between the successful candidate and the Chief Executive;

d)    Appoint an Interim Section 151 officer.


Kathryn Dowell, HR Business Partner, gave the Committee a detailed and in-depth overview of the prior selection process, before highlighting the skills and attributes that the Subject Candidate (SC) brought to both the selection process and Committee interview. The HR Business partner gave the Committee a further overview of the behavioural characteristics that the SC showed during an exercise carried out during the main selection process.

In debate, the Committee discussed at length the interview undertaken, and also the skills & characteristics the SC brought to the interview, including strong decision making skills, respect and competence. The Committee also made reference to the SC’s local knowledge having worked within the Local Government sector previously in Oxfordshire. The Committee also noted the time taken by the SC to prepare a presentation for the Committee with only 2 days’ notice from the prior interview.

Councillor Andy Graham proposed that the SC be recommended to Council for appointment, and authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to have oversight of the remainder of the appointment process. This was seconded by Councillor Michele Mead, was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed by the Committee.

The Committee Resolved to:

  1. Agree the selection of the Subject Candidate for the post of Director of Finance.
  2. Delegate the making of a conditional offer and the agreement of all terms and conditions, to the Chief Executive Officer, subject to confirmation within a time period set by the Monitoring Officer that no member of the Executive has an objection to the proposed appointment, or the Performance and Appointments Committee being satisfied that any objection is not material or well-founded;

And Resolved to Recommend to Council to:

  1. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Performance and Appointments Committee, to appoint Madhu Richards, to the role of Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer), subject to two references, medical clearance and eligibility check (BPSS check) in accordance with the Council’s policies;
  2. Agree that the appointment will be made on a salary of up to £85,000 per annum plus pending pay award;
  3. Agree the appointment commences on a date to be mutually agreed between the Chief Executive and the successful candidate;
  4. Confirm the appointment of an Interim Director of Finance, James Howse, who will undertake the role of Section 151 Officer, until the appointed, permanent Director of Finance is able to take up post.