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Issue - meetings

Endorsement of Cotswold National Landscape Management Plan 2023-25

Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Executive (Item 86)

86 Endorsement of Cotswold National Landscape Management Plan 2023-2025 pdf icon PDF 78 KB


To seek the Council’s endorsement of the Cotswolds National Landscape (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - AONB) Management Plan 2023 – 2025, produced by the Cotswolds National Landscape Board.


That the Executive resolves to:

  1. Endorse the Cotswolds National Landscape Management Plan 2023–2025 for use as:

·         Part of the evidence base for the review of the Local Plan;

·         Part of the evidence base for the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans;

·         Part of the evidence base for the preparation and implementation of relevant Council strategies, policies and projects;

·         As a material consideration in the determination of planning applications; and to inform the development and delivery of the Council’s services and activities.

Additional documents:


Councillor Andrew Prosser, Executive Member for Climate Change, introduced and gave an overview of the report, which sought the Council’s endorsement of the Cotswolds National Landscape Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan 2023-2025, produced by the Cotswolds National Landscape Board.

In debate, the Executive expressed its obligation to protect the Cotswolds now and also in the future, including working in line with the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Development Plans for any future planning.

Councillor Andrew Prosser proposed that the Executive agree the recommendations as set out in the report. This was seconded by Councillor Carl Rylett, was put to a vote, and unanimously agreed by the Executive.

The Executive Resolved to:

  1. Endorse the Cotswolds National Landscape Management Plan 2023-2025 for use as;

·         Part of the evidence base for the review of the Local Plan;

·         Part of the evidence base for the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans;

·         Part of the evidence base for the preparation and implementation of relevant Council strategies, policies and projects;

·         As a material consideration in the determination of planning applications; and to inform the development and delivery of the Council’s services and activities.