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Issue - meetings

Report from the Leader on the appointment of the Deputy Leader, Members of the Executive, Joint Executive Arrangements, and the Executive Scheme of Delegations.

Meeting: 22/05/2024 - Council (Item 165)

Report of the Leader


To receive a report from the Leader covering:

  • The appointment of the Deputy Leader;
  • The appointment of Executive Members and the allocation of portfolio responsibilities;
  • Appointments to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership and it’s advisory groups (environment, housing, infrastructure and planning);
  • Confirmation that the Executive Scheme of Delegation is as set out in Parts 3D and 4 of the Constitution;
  • The appointment of any Member Champions.



That Council resolves to:

1.    Note the Report of the Leader.


Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council, introduced the report and informed the Council of the appointments to the Executive for the new municipal year, which were as follows:


  • Councillor Andy Graham – Leader of the Council;
  • Councillor Duncan Enright – Deputy Leader of the Council, and Executive Member for Economic Development;
  • Councillor Alaric Smith – Executive Member for Finance;
  • Councillor Charlie Maynard – Executive Member for Planning and Sustainable Development;
  • Councillor Rizvana Poole – Executive Member for Stronger, Healthy Communities;
  • Councillor Geoff Saul – Executive Member for Housing and Social Welfare;
  • Councillor Lidia Arciszewska – Executive Member for the Environment;
  • Councillor Andrew Prosser – Executive Member for Climate Action and Nature Recovery; and
  • Councillor Tim Sumner – Executive Member for Leisure and Major Projects.


The Leader paid tribute to the work of Councillor Joy Aitman who had stepped down from the Executive, adding they would be missed and that their work was of outstanding significance to the Council, the residents, and the wider district. The Leader also reaffirmed that the West Oxfordshire Alliance would work hand in glove to put the residents of the district first.


The Leader also confirmed the following joint Executive arrangements and appointments to external bodies:


  • Councillor Andy Graham – Future Oxfordshire Partnership;
  • Councillor Charlie Maynard – Infrastructure Advisory Group;
  • Councillor Charlie Maynard – Planning Advisory Group;
  • Councillor Geoff Saul – Housing Advisory Group;
  • Councillor Andrew Prosser – Environment Advisory Group.


The Leader drew the attention of the Council to the Executive Scheme of Delegation, covered in Part 3D and Part 4 of the Council’s constitution.


Councillor Andy Graham proposed that Council note the report of the Leader. This was seconded by Councillor Duncan Enright, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

1.    Note the Report of the Leader.

Meeting: 24/05/2023 - Council (Item 83)

Report of the Leader


To receive a report from the Leader on the appointment of the Deputy Leader, Executive Members, Joint Executive Arrangements and the Executive Scheme of Delegations (Part 4 of the Constitution).



That Council resolves to note the Report of the Leader.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Andy Graham, rose to thank the Council for his re-appointment to the position of Leader, and to thank the Executive and Officers for their support as the term of the Leader was renewed.


The Leader also offered to work constructively with the opposition to achieve the common goals that the Council had previously set, and said that by working together, the Council can achieve great things.


The Leader informed the Council of the appointments to the Executive for the new municipal year, which were as follows:


  • Councillor Andy Graham – Leader of the Council;
  • Councillor Duncan Enright – Deputy Leader of the Council, and Executive Member for Economic Development;
  • Councillor Dan Levy – Executive Member for Finance;
  • Councillor Carl Rylett – Executive Member for Planning and Sustainable Development;
  • Councillor Joy Aitman – Executive Member for Stronger, Healthy Communities;
  • Councillor Geoff Saul – Executive Member for Housing and Social Welfare;
  • Councillor Lidia Arciszewska – Executive Member for the Environment;
  • Councillor Andrew Prosser – Executive Member for Climate Change;
  • Councillor Alaric Smith – Executive Member for X


The Leader explained that the new portfolio of the Executive, X, would continue and complete the work of the Council’s Agile Working Project, which would see a future refurbishment of the Council Chamber, and the installation of live-streaming & webcasting equipment, so that meetings of the Council are available to be watched over the Internet, adding openness and transparency to the Council’s business. The Portfolio would also oversee enhancement to leisure provisions within the District, aiding diversity and improving the experiences of the service users.


The Leader also reaffirmed that the West Oxfordshire alliance would work hand in glove to put the residents of the District first, which would help to achieve social and climate justice, and help address a housing crisis, built up over recent years.


The Leader also confirmed the following joint Executive arrangements and appointments to external bodies:


  • Councillor Andy Graham – Future Oxfordshire Partnership;
  • Councillor Carl Rylett – Infrastructure Advisory Group;
  • Councillor Geoff Saul – Housing Advisory Group;
  • Councillor Andrew Prosser – Environment Advisory Group.


The Leader also drew the attention of the Council to the Executive Scheme of Delegations, covered in Part 4 of the Council’s constitution.


Councillor Andy Graham proposed that Council notes the Report of the Leader. This was seconded by Councillor Andrew Coles, was put to a vote, and was unanimously agreed by Council.


Council Resolved to:

1.      Note the Report of the Leader.