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Issue - meetings

Election of Chair

Meeting: 22/05/2024 - Council (Item 1.)

Election of Chair for 2024/25


To elect a Councillor, other than a Member of the Executive, to be the Chair of Council.



That Council resolves to

1.    Elect a Chair of the Council for a term of office extending to the start of the Annual Council meeting in May 2025.

Meeting: 24/05/2023 - Council (Item 75)

Election of Chair for 2023/24


To elect a Councillor, other than a Member of the Executive, to be the Chair of Council.



That Council resolves to elect a Chair of the Council for a term of office extending to the start of the Annual Council meeting in May 2024.


The outgoing Chair of the Council, Councillor Julian Cooper, welcomed Members and Officers to the meeting of Annual Council.


The Chair asked Council for nominations to the position of Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2023/2024.


Councillor Andy Graham, proposed that Councillor Andrew Coles be appointed to the position of Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2023/2024. This was seconded by Councillor Mathew Parkinson and was put to a vote. The vote carried.


Council Resolved to:

  1. Appoint Councillor Andrew Coles to the position of Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2023/2024.


Following the appointment, Councillor Julian Cooper wished the new Chair of West Oxfordshire District Council, Councillor Andrew Coles, the very best of fortune for the forthcoming 12 months, and presented Councillor Coles with the Chair’s Chain of Office.


Councillor Andrew Coles also signed an Acceptance of Office declaration form after taking his seat.