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Issue - meetings

Receipt of Announcements

Meeting: 24/05/2023 - Council (Item 80)

Receipt of Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair, Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer and Interim Monitoring Officer.


The Chair of the Council, Councillor Andrew Coles, welcomed the 12 new Members of West Oxfordshire District Council to their seats, congratulated them on their recent election and stated that they were most welcome. The Chair read aloud the names of the 12 new Members, who rose to introduce themselves to the Council.


The Chair also paid tribute to the 12 Members who had left Council at the end of the last municipal year, and stated that both the previous Chair and the Chief Executive had written to the former members, thanking them for their service to West Oxfordshire District Council and wishing them well for the future.


The Chair also welcomed the Council’s incoming Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer, Andrea McCaskie, who attended proceedings. Mrs McCaskie would join the Council in June 2023. The Chair also paid tribute to the work of Andrew Brown, who had acted as Interim Monitoring Officer in conjunction with his work as Business Manager for Democratic Services.


The Interim Monitoring Officer and Business Manager for Democratic Services, Andrew Brown, apologised for an error which had occurred prior to the previous meeting of Council in March 2023, where a Motion to Council had not been facilitated in the correct manner. The Interim Monitoring Officer and Business Manager for Democratic Services also personally apologised to Councillor Lysette Nicholls who had submitted the Motion to Council.