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Financial Performance Q1 2022/23

Meeting: 21/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 64)

64 Financial Performance Q1 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 71 KB


This report provides details of the Council’s financial and operational performance at the end of 2033-23 Quarter One (Q1)



That Cabinet resolves to note the 2022/23 Q1 finance performance

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Councillor Levy (Cabinet Member for Finance) introduced this report. He explained that Q1 showed an overall overspend compared to budget largely due to inflation and the increase in fuel prices. He warned that the position would become more difficult as the cost of living crises bites. Various services, including green waste, trade waste and car parking enforcement had been identified as areas to keep under close review. Also officers were looking to renegotiate the current high bank charges. The Chief Finance Officer explained that there were a number of reasons why recycling costs were increasing including that some materials were very expensive to recycle.


Resolved by Cabinet to note the 2022/23 Q1 finance performance.