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Issue - meetings

Appointment of Sub-Committees for 2022/23

Meeting: 22/09/2022 - Licensing Committee (Item 7)

7 Appointment of Sub-Committees for 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 81 KB


To invite the Licensing Committee to confirm the appointment of Sub-Committees for the 2022/23 municipal year.



That the Licensing Committee resolves to:

a) Appoint five members of the Committee to the Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee in accordance with political proportionality and the wishes of political groups (2 Conservative, 2 Liberal Democrat, 1 Labour).

b) Confirm that Licensing Panel membership will comprise the Chair or Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee and two other members of the Licensing Committee drawn on an alphabetical rota basis from the remaining members of the Licensing Committee (subject to their availability and completion of licensing training prior to participation in a Licensing Panel meeting), as detailed in paragraph 3.3.

c) Note that the terms of reference of committees is on the work programme of the Constitution Review Group. 



Proposed by Councillor Fenton, seconded by Councillor Nicholls and Resolved that:


a)    Councillors Brooker, Cooper, Fenton, MacRae and Parkinson be appointed as Members of Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee.

b)    The Chair of the Licensing Sub-Committee be Councillor MacRae and the Vice-Chair Councillor Jackson.

c)    Licensing Panel membership will comprise of the Chair or Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee and two other members of the Licensing Committee drawn on an alphabetical rota basis from the remaining members of the Licensing Committee (subject to their availability and the completion of licensing training prior to participation in a Licensing Panel meeting).

d)    the terms of reference of committees is on the work programme of the Constitution Review Group be noted.


It was noted that some Councillors had still to be trained and it was agreed that Democratic Services would arrange this.