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New Lease at Unit 1 Talisman Business Centre, Bicester

Meeting: 21/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 67)

New Lease at Unit 1 Talisman Business Centre, Bicester


To seek approval for the Council to grant a lease of Unit 1 Talisman Business Centre, Bicester on the terms contained in this report and to fund the recommended works on the unit



That Cabinet resolves to

(a)         approve the granting of a lease of Unit 1 Talisman Business Centre, Bicester on the terms contained in this report;

(b)         approve the funding of works recommended within the report from the £165,000 dilapidations payment from the previous tenant and £154,000 from the Investment and Incentive Fund, with the tenant to carry out the works as a preference as detailed in the report;

(c)             approve delegated authority be given to the Group Manager for Property and Regeneration in consultation with the Head of Legal Services and the Deputy Chief Executive to approve the final terms of the lease.


Councillor Levy (Cabinet Member for Finance) introduced this item. He explained that the previous tenant had agreed a dilapidations payment of £165,000. He confirmed that a new tenant had been found and would be paying the same rent as the previous tenant. It was encouraging that a new tenant had been found so quickly.


Resolved by Cabinet to

(a)         approve the granting of a lease of Unit 1 Talisman Business Centre, Bicester on the terms contained in this report;

(b)         approve the funding of works recommended within the report from the £165,000 dilapidations payment from the previous tenant and £154,000 from the Investment and Incentive Fund, with the tenant to carry out the works as a preference as detailed in the report;

(c)         approve delegated authority be given to the Group Manager for Property and Regeneration in consultation with the Head of Legal Services and the Deputy Chief Executive to approve the final terms of the lease.