Issue - meetings
Performance Monitoring Report Q1 - 2022/23
Meeting: 21/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 63)
63 Performance Monitoring Report Q1 - 2022/23 PDF 100 KB
This report provides details of the Council’s operational performance at the end of 2022-23 Quarter One (Q1)
That Cabinet resolves to note the 2022/23 Q1 service performance
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Councillor Levy (Cabinet Member for Finance) introduced this item and reported that most of the indicators demonstrated that performance continued to improve. The report served to highlight those areas which needed more work.
There was discussion around the collection of green waste where fewer households were buying licences. It was felt that efforts should be made to find out why this was happening. It was noted that changes in central government policy could have a big impact on the number of enquiries to the Council. The Chief Executive explained that a small number of key planning indicators were being reported on. Other data would be available within the systems but it was noted that pre application discussions did not follow set timescales and would be difficult to measure. Councillor Enright noted that the Council would shortly begin work on a new waste contract.
Resolved by Cabinet to note the 2022/23 Q1 service performance