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Decision details

Awarding of Grant Funded Three Year Service Level Agreements 2024-27

Decision Maker: Chief Executive & Head of Paid Service - Giles Hughes

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To present a summary of applications to the 3 year grant funded service level agreements awards programme and to set out the recommended level of awards as determined by the Chief Executive under delegation, in consultation with the Leader and Executive Members for Stronger Healthy Communities, Planning and Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change.


That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and the Executive Members for Stronger Healthy Communities, Planning and Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change, resolved to:

1.    Agree to award 3 year Service Level Agreements at the funding level indicated and to organisations as set out in Annex A.

Reasons for the decision:

Applications have been considered by an officer grants panel consisting of a lead officer for each lot, and by the Chief Executive and the Executive Members with responsibility for Stronger Healthy Communities, Planning and Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change. The panel has appraised and scored applications based on responses in the following questions:

·         Method statement (50% of score­) – describing the planned project, its strategic fit with Council outcomes, the likely impact, fit with other projects, timescale and budget for the activity

·         Added value (20% of score) – explaining the added value contributed by the organisation, its expertise in the sector leverage opportunities

·         Safeguarding (5% of score) – confirming that appropriate policies and procedures are in place

·         Inclusion (5% of score) – explaining how each project is inclusive and equitable

·         Monitoring and evaluation (15% of score) – setting out the methods and process planned

·         Risk assessment (5% of score) – providing a risk assessment for each proposed project

Furthermore the panel adopted a number of principles to assist in reaching recommendations:

·         Be constructive with organisations and identify additional funding streams that could be used to swell the core budget.

·         Be fair and expect organisations to only deliver a reduced programme if a lower amount of funding is provided

·         Be thorough and consider the financial need of the organisation

·         Be open to innovation

·         Be rigorous and allocate funding by ranking

·         Value track record Reviewing in this way has enabled officers and members to determine a list of priority projects. This will be essential to inform how the funding is allocated.

All awards are subject to contracts being agreed. Successful projects are expected to start delivery in April 2024.

In line with the Council’s Publication Scheme, the awards will be published on the Council’s website once the service level agreements are in place.


Alternative options considered:

Given the scheme is oversubscribed officers have been exploring alternative options for projects to secure financial support. This has included:

·         Using some of the unallocated 2023/24 Westhive pledge pot

·         A number of project proposals being referred to the UKSPF/REPF teams for consideration

·         A number of projects reviewed for suitability for funding via Contain Outbreak Management funding (COMF)

·         Explore potential to utilise a small sum from the Council Priorities Fund

Adopting these additional funding opportunities has allowed us to swell the core budget for the three-year period from £396,000 to £553,500.  This approach accords well with one of the intended outcomes from the grants review, namely, to optimise the total funding available and maximise reach and impact.

The decision is delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with members of the Executive and has been reached following engagement with specialist officers who have followed a robust and objective assessment process. Whilst the wider Council could request a review of the decision such action would delay the process of confirming awards to applicants. 

Whilst not recommended, Executive could decide not to award three year service level agreements for Lots 1-3. This would save £132,000 each year. This option would place the authority in an unusual position of not offering any form of grant support and remove the scope to achieve the Council Plan priority outcomes through grant funding. This option would also have a significant, negative community impact.


Publication date: 21/02/2024

Date of decision: 21/02/2024

Effective from: 29/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: