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Decision details

Option Appraisal and Funding agreement for heating systems and decarbonisation measures at Carterton Leisure Centre

Decision Maker: Chief Executive & Head of Paid Service - Giles Hughes

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider whether the existing gas boilers at Carterton Leisure centre should be replaced with more sustainable Heat Pump systems and based on that decision whether an offer of Public Sector Decarbonisation Funding should be accepted.


To accept the Salix grant offer and proceed with proposals to decarbonise Carterton Leisure centre with a Heat Pump system and Solar PV.  Mitigating some identified project risks by:

(i) introducing project gateways, where a decision will be made to proceed to capital spend at the following stages:-

acceptable contract variation agreed with GLL and,

completion of the Investment Grade Proposal, providing greater confidence in the modelled data around system performance, energy usage and potential savings from PV and battery storage;,

(ii) maximising opportunities to reduce operating costs through energy purchasing agreements, Building Energy Management Systems and the installation of carport PV and battery storage where these options present a sound business case for investment.

Reasons for the decision:

The reasons for the decision are set out in the accompanying document (below).

Alternative options considered:

The alternative options, which were not preferred, were to:


  • Decline the Salix grant offer, on the basis of the cost risk associated with the decision, but commit funding estimated at £118,000 to complete the Investment Grade Proposal and to negotiate with GLL on a contract variation, so that the Council could consider any future funding rounds of Public Sector Decarbonisation Funding (not guaranteed).


  • Decline the Salix grant offer and take no further action at this time but review cost projections and options before a decision is made on gas replacement (by 2033).


Publication date: 16/02/2023

Date of decision: 15/02/2023

Accompanying Documents: