Decision details
Delegation on Purchase of Emergency Accommodation
Decision Maker: Executive, Director of Finance - Madhu Richards
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Seeking approval to delegate decision making around the purchase of Emergency Housing Accommodation in order to meet market demands.
The purpose of the item was to approve delegated powers in relation to the purchase of Emergency Accommodation.
The report was discussed in private session.
Councillor Geoff Saul proposed the recommendations. Councillor Saul noted that there had been a spike in the need for Emergency Accommodation. Families were less costly to house than single people, and the Council had more access to housing stock for this purpose. However, Councillor Saul noted that individuals in need of emergency accommodation often needed to be housed in bed and breakfast accommodation due to a lack of suitable accommodation owned by the Council. Councillor Saul stated that accommodating individuals in this way was expensive and often sub-optimal. Councillor Saul went on to state that if the Council proposed to purchase suitable stock there was a need to be able to move quickly to acquire it.
The proposal was seconded by Councillor Alaric Smith who noted that such a provision of housing stock would enable West Oxfordshire District Council to increase the quality of emergency housing it is able to offer.
That the Executive:
- Delegated authority to utilise funds of up to £3,000,000, for the purposes of purchasing emergency accommodation, to the Council’s Director of Finance in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing and Social Care and the Executive Member for Finance.
- Approved the use of Cottsway Clawback receipts of £500,000 to increase the total funds available to £3,500,000.
- Agreed that any necessary extension of this delegation will be sought following the purchase of three properties or upon reaching a total expenditure of £3,500.000.
Report author: Jon Dearing
Publication date: 13/02/2025
Date of decision: 12/02/2025
Decided at meeting: 12/02/2025 - Executive
Effective from: 21/02/2025
Accompanying Documents:
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